Things you should know before making a Company Video

June 1, 2016

If you're thinking of having a safety video or corporate videofilmed, here are some points you should think about before commissioning a film company.

These points come up on every project we film, whether it’s asafety video, large corporate film or a small instructional video. Have a think about these and your finished Video will be something you can be proud of.

#1 Don’t push too many messages

If the video has too many messages then your audience is unlikely to remember any of them. One or two key messages is what you should aim for.

#2 Duration

Keep your video duration short.  Research says that people’s attention span can start to drift after three minutes in a learning environment.

#3 Make sure you have a 'Call to Action'

Think about what you want your audience to take away from the video.For example, they might be required to fill out a Q&A after viewing a safety video, or understand new company processes after viewing an instructional video. If it's a company promotional video it will be an overall feeling about the company you want the audience to walk away with.

#4 What does your audience need to know?

Think about what your audience needs to know, not what you want to tell them. This sounds the same, but it’s usually not. You probably know much more detail about the subject matter than the audience needs to know.

#5 Know your process

What I mean by this is that if you're filming a process on how something is done, such as a Safety message or how to sell your product, make sure all the right people in your company have sanctioned the key messages that are to be filmed. Even with thorough pre production and approval processes, we have come up against this problem many times when filming, and it can really hold up the day. I’ve even had one shoot stopped completely because the clients couldn’t agree on the process being filmed!Not only is this time-wasting for you, but it's costly as well.It’s often not until you write it down or begin filming that everyone has a serious think about the subject.

#6 How will the audience view the film?

Will they view it on small screens such as a smart phone or at an event on a big screen or both.This can effect the way we approach the framing size when filming and the size of the graphics used in the edit.

To get maximum bang for your buck you can sometimes do a small re-edit and use it for a different application, or keep the footage in a video library so you can reuse shots in different videos further down the track. We’ve done this for clients, and been able to edit together completely different videos without having to film again.

#7 You should be having fun

Filmmaking, no matter what the subject, should be a low-stress, fun experience - so pick a film company you like to work with, or one recommended by someone you know. I know a good one :)

#8 You get what you pay for

Like everything, it’s not all about the cheapest quote.The quality of your finished safety video or marketing film will say something about your company or department. It’s like a shop window. If it looks cheap, it will feel cheap. Quality doesn’t have to be expensive; it’s more about the approach to the film, and never underestimate how important it is to have an experienced crew to guide you through the process.

Colin Bell

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