Understanding how you correctly couple and uncouple a Prime Mover and Semi Trailer is an important skill required by any professional driver. Obviously, when this procedure is performed correctly, there is no reason for anything to go wrong but we are all human and unfortunately things do go wrong sometimes.
To that end, we consulted with the transport industry and training specialists and created two safety video snippets for Coupling and Uncoupling a Prime Mover and Semi Trailer, so that transport related companies can use them for refreshers and general training.
I am not a professional truck driver and I’m certainly not going to preach to those who know their profession inside and out, but while consulting with industry professionals to research the snippets, I noticed a common error was not getting in under the trailer and eyeballing that the kingpin was engaged properly. It is apparent that even having performed the tug test, it does not necessarily mean that the coupling is secured properly.
In light of that, we hope that our safety snippets on coupling and uncoupling will help strengthen the safety culture by minimising or, better still, removing any personal injury and equipment damage.
Safety Insights
In our latest 'Safety Insights' video,Gabriel Windahl from BagTrans discusses the dangers of incorrect coupling and uncoupling of a prime mover and semi-trailer, some reasons for poor training across the logistics/ supply chain sector, and the need for every worker to focus on safety.
Helen Bitmead