A picture tells a thousand words - just imagine what video can do!

July 16, 2015

Video content is emerging as one of the best forms of education no matter what age.  This makes sense - for Gen Y and Z it is intuitive and a seamless way of learning. But even if you’re a little more ‘mature’ than that, I bet you have noticed that the way you access information has changed over the years, with a movement towards more video content.

Who hasn’t turned to YouTube to work out how to fix, operate, manage or simply view how something is done? And social media can certainly put its hand up for fuelling the unquenchable thirst for video content.

A crucial part of the education sector

As an administrator, video is the fastest growing part of the education sector globally and a huge trend at university level. For industry, it is consistent in its training approach and ticks a lot of boxes for compliance in industry, especially where there is an accountability factor such as Workplace Health and Safety. Combined with a learning management system (LMS) that tracks the videos within a course and includes a test to acknowledge that the recipient has understood the content, video training can be a very powerful tool.

‘You can learn anything’ 

Salman Khan is the founder of the Khan Academy, - a non-for-profit organisation that provides ‘"a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere’" and produces micro lectures in the form of YouTube videos. It is worth watching his Ted Talks presentation that explains how Youtube seeded the idea and how he has helped thousands of people to learn with the help of videos.

What are training snippets?

Training Snippets creates short training video snippets that demonstrate correct workplace health and safety. To give an example of its application, we recently developed a series of nine driver training snippets in conjunction with Melbourne Health. Melbourne Health has 1,000 registered drivers and some 300 vehicles across their networks, and they recognise the need to educate their staff when it comes to health and safety. Melbourne Health has taken a different and innovative approach by using the video medium to train all their fleet car drivers from an operational and safety perspective. But you don’t have to read my thoughts on it all – why not take a look at a couple of the videos from the Fleet Car/ Driver Safety series.... they say it all!

WorkCover Authority NSW is another example of how Training Snippets proves to be a successful learning tool. WorkCover NSW has recently made a variety of TS video topics available for their members to access via their website.

Helen Bitmead

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