Training Snippets completed a safety video series on Power Tools earlier this year, and we have the Men's Shed to thank for providing the location and tools.
There are over 930 Men's Sheds in Australia alone, with more Sheds in the UK, Ireland and New Zealand.
The concept is simple - a Men's Shed is a place where you can tinker, create, build, skill-share and learn in an informal, friendly and safe environment. The Shed offers members access to the tools and resources they need to work on projects of their choosing. Most importantly, it is a place of social interaction and inclusion, providing a strong focus on men's health.

Early in 2015, a Tasmanian branch member rang us and asked if we had any Snippets available on the safe use of Power Tools. Wedidn't have any at that stage, but it planted a seed.Fast forward and, largely due to this initial contact, we set up a meeting with the CEO of the Men's Shed, David Helmers, who is delightful to work with and very enthusiastic. From that meeting we have formed a great relationship, and the safety training videos that demonstrate the safe operation of various power tools are now completed and available from our snippet video library.
The safety videos include:
When we were filming at the Hobson’s Bay Men’s Shed in Altona, Victoria, the members were building things for local kindergartens, holding workshops for groups with disabilities, and doing their own thing. They were incredibly welcoming and accommodating. Kudos to Ken Inglis, the current President, for running such a great setup.
The Men's Shed is a non for profit organisation and a wonderful community resource. It is our great pleasure to provide access to our Power Tools Snippets free of charge for Men's Shed members.
Helen Bitmead